Genomics: Insights

Share your findings with the world


The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has partnered with the Smithsonian to provide an online digital publication. Genomics: Insights allows high schoolers, college students, and postdoctoral trainees to share genomics research topics and findings for a chance to have them peer-reviewed and published on our site.

Communicating science to the public is an important skill for scientists, and this is an exciting opportunity to develop scientific communication skills. Articles span a variety of genomics disciplines and are written to concisely communicate findings to a lay audience.

Four smiling people in huddle

The Latest Insights


Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shots - Increasing Overall Immunity

In a world with emerging COVID-19 variants and a decrease in vaccine effectiveness over time, the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines require a third dosage to boost the immunity of patients...

How can genomics help answer the free will vs. determinism question regarding altruism?

Altruism, the trait of sacrificing self-gain for the benefit of others, may be expressed as a result of both genes and environmental influence. 

The Role of the CHRNA2 Gene and Environmental Factors in Cannabis Use Disorder

Introduction The results from genome-wide association studies and drug and alcohol surveys indicate a role for CHRNA2 gene and specific environmental factors in the manifestation of cann...

TRPV1b: a Promising Splice Variant for Pain Management

The Relationship between TRPV1 and Pain In 2021, Dr. David Julius and Dr. Ardem Patapoutian won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of receptors for temperature...

CRISPR/Cas9 and Revolutions in Rice Crop Disease Resistance

Hypothesis With the development of CRISPR/Cas9, the technology’s transformational modifications to plant genes can significantly increase resistance to diseases affecting the production ...

The Genetics of Human Populations

Human Racial Categorization  The charged concept of race has long overshadowed human history. Historically armed to place certain groups above others, race remains a powerful social...

An Overview of Sickle Cell Anemia

Symptoms and Pathophysiology Sickle cell anemia (SS) is an autosomal recessive inherited red blood cell disorder that produces a wide variety of symptoms ranging from chronic hemolytic a...

Submit your article at any time.

Submissions must be between 500-1500 words and can include a maximum of 2 exhibits (figures or tables).

Who is eligible to submit:

High School Students, Post-Baccalaureate Students, Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Trainees

Who will review: 

The NHGRI Trainee Editorial Board will review based on overall relevance, overall timeliness, scientific merit, editorial aspects (grammar, format), and non-technical literacy

What to submit:

  • Interesting genomics research you wish to communicate with the public
  • An article demystifying public perception of a genetics and/or genomics concept regarding a recently published or discussed scientific finding
  • An overview of a cutting-edge topic within the field


For details on article submission details:

Questions? Contact the NHGRI Trainee Editorial Board at

Ready to submit an article for consideration by the Editorial Board? Click here to access the submission form.