Genomics: Insights


Genomics: Insights



Write about Genomics & Society


The National Human Genome Research Institute has partnered with the Smithsonian to provide an online digital publication. Genomics: Insights allows highschoolers, college students and postdoctoral trainees to submit scientific writing about genomics and society for the opportunity to be reviewed by researchers at academic institutions.

NIH Logo
A large amount of characterized people standing in a flat area with a DNA symbol painted onto the white floor below them

The Latest Insights


The underlying genetic causes of pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review

Research Question: What role do genetic factors play in the development and treatment of pulmonary fibrosis?

Genomes and Gynecology: Shedding Light on Endometriosis

Research QuestionWe hypothesize that genome-wide association studies (GWAS) can be a valuable tool to create screening for detecting the presence of genes linked to endometriosis risk var...

Pneumonia biology through the lens of machine learning and AI: current trends and challenges

Hypothesis: Combining digital pathology with spatial transcriptomics/genomics can unveil molecular level insights & help elucidate the host response to pneumonia.

Predictive Role of Succinate Dehydrogenase Mutations and Environmental Factors in Clear-Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma and Pheochromocytomas/Paragangliomas

Clear-Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma and Paragangliomas/Pheochromocytomas:Clear-Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (ccRCC) accounts for the vast majority (85%) of all renal cancers, with around 64,000 ...

The Effects of Genetic and Environmental Factors on Tendon Pathology: an investigation into Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms as risk factors for tendon injury

Societal Implications of Tendon Injury:Tendinopathy and tendon rupture are both very common injuries, accounting for about 1 in 2 sports injuries and 1 in 3 visits to general practitioner...

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as potential biomarker for disease and prenatal genetic screening.

Research on cfDNA reveals that it can be used as a biomarker, or indicator, for diseases with pathologies it directly contributes to, and its potential to be used to identify and monitor ...

Gene editing of Lipocalin-2: potential therapeutic implications for breast cancer

Introduction An estimated 150,000 women die annually as a result of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC).3 This figure represents about 1 out of every 3 deaths of any form of breast canc...

CRISPR & Its Potential in Helping Blind People See

Introduction Loss of vision can be devastating for the patient and their family. Those gifted with the ability of sight might brush over just how fortunate we are in our ability to perce...

ADHD: How genetic predispositions and parental environment interact to impact the severity of ADHD

Section 1: Overview of ADHD ADHD affects around 6 million children between the ages of 3 and 17.1 Of the children diagnosed with ADHD, about 60% of them have symptoms that persist into a...

CRISPR/Cas-9 Gene Editing: Making Porcine Xenotransplantation a Viable Treatment Option for End Stage Renal Disease

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD): From 2000 to 2019, the incident count of newly diagnosed patients with ESRD (the final stage of Chronic Kidney Disease) has drastically increased from 94,...

Improving accuracy of coronary artery disease diagnosis with biomarker-based machine learning models

We hypothesize that by utilizing CatBoost and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), biomarker and electrocardiogram-based machine learning models can predict whether a patient has coronar...

GGTA1 Editing in Porcine Cardiac Xenotransplantation

Xenotransplantation, the process of transplanting tissues or organs of one species to another species, has recently received much attention on behalf of the University of Maryland Medicin...

Submit your article

Submission Guidelines for Research Reviews

Submissions must follow these guidelines and should be between 500 - 1500 words, including a maximum of two figures or tables created by the author.

Submission deadlines

There will be two submission cycles for the upcoming year. November 1, 2024 will be the deadline for the first review cycle and March 7, 2025 will be the deadline for the second cycle.

Who is eligible to submit 

High School students, Post-Baccalaureate students, Undergraduate and Graduate students, and Postdoctoral trainees.

We encourage submissions from a team of two to three co-authors from the same institution. If authors are high school students, we also encourage them to get feedback from a high school or external academic mentor.

Who will review

Submissions that meet the guidelines will be reviewed by researchers from academic institutions such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, the California Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, National Institutes of Health and the industry.



What to submit

Topics should connect genomics to society. Some examples include:

  • Interplay of genomics and environment in health and well being
  • Genome editing tools and their role in medicine and biotechnology
  • Role of machine learning in predicting risk of disease outcome and severity

Submission form access

Submission Form


Frequently Asked Questions

Who to contact

Editor in Chief, Dr. Balakrishnan Selvakumar